
The Lifestyle Blog....

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Help! What is My Purpose?
The answers to everyone's question: What is my purpose? Can be found in the Bible and it's a lot more simple than you might expect....
How to UnPlug from your Phone Addiction
The way you use your phone is destroying your brain… The average attention span of a human has decreased by 33% within two decades. Our average attention span is now 8.25 seconds. Which is less than both a goldfish and a squirrel. 25% of teenagers forget major details of close friends and relatives....
For When You Feel Deflated
Becoming a digital nomad these days is less of a pipe dream and more of an expectation. Every man and his dog seem to be roaming the world while making money in their sleep (or so it seems). But after 6 months of trying (and failing at) a whole lot of things, although I am yet to make dollareedoos while...
The Art of Going with the Flow
Travel disruptions seem all-to common these days and understandably, they are annoying. But, how can we use these unplanned situations to learn a little something about rolling with the punches? When Plans go Awry In all the time I’ve spent travelling and all the flights I’ve caught in my...
The Truth about Loving Yourself
What does it truly mean to practice self-love and how do we know when we’re doing it? What does it look like, how does it feel and why should we do it? If you’ve never wondered these things, then you should probably start pondering. Here are some of my morsels of wisdom to get you started....
Mindfulness Tips For Personal Growth And Fulfillment
Do you find yourself day-dreaming a lot? Always thinking about how things will be better in the future but never satisfied with life as it is now? Do you get to the end of the week feeling like you didn’t achieve anything? Maybe you just want to increase your feelings of happiness in the everyday....


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