Travel disruptions seem all-to common these days and understandably, they are annoying. But, how can we use these unplanned situations to learn a little something about rolling with the punches?
When Plans go Awry
In all the time I’ve spent travelling and all the flights I’ve caught in my lifetime I have always been very lucky to experience a smooth journey. I have never been the one sleeping on the airport floor or creating a make-shift bed out of the bench seats at the gate lounges.
On my recent trip to Brisbane, I experienced for the first time what they call “travel disruptions”. First, my flight was delayed for an hour (no biggie) and then it was cancelled (ok, now that’s a problem). When my phone screen lit up with news of this nuisance my reaction (or lack there-of) was uncharacteristically blasé. I actually ignored the message, I figured I would finish the email I was writing before reacting. It wasn’t until the thought of waiting at the back of the queue came to mind, that I decided it was best to get straight to sorting out the situation I now found myself in.
Once joining the queue for the service desk, I noticed the other passengers in my boat were extremely frustrated, and anxious (which is understandable). However, the contrast in their reactions to mine was so stark I almost felt like a third-party observer. It got me thinking: Why is it so hard for people to just ‘roll with the punches’. Is it because us humans dislike change? Or perhaps we just want to feel in control? Most likely it is due to a lack of faith. Whatever the reason, I think it’s important to surrender a little and ‘go with the flow’. Take stock of what is in your control and leave the rest up to God. Otherwise, life will probably be a whole lot more stressful than it needs to be.

Control what you can and let Go of the Rest
The reason for my complete calm in the situation was because I accepted it was out of my control. I figured, this must have happened for a reason so I may as well just go with it. I was actually excited for what my bonus few hours in Brisbane had in-store for me. Obviously, having a smooth journey without a last-minute need to book a sub-par hotel room, stay an extra night and then have to do the whole airport thing all over again the next day, is not ideal. But I figured, it’s out of my control, may as well treat this extra time as a gift instead.
Learning to let go of the things you cannot control and take life as it comes is not something that is easy to do (especially in some situations). It’s definitely never been something that has come naturally to me. But without a doubt, it makes life a whole lot more enjoyable. Instead of being disgruntled by an uninvited change of plans, take it in your stride and switch your mindset to look for what there is to gain.
Gifts of Going with the Flow
Once I arrived at my new hotel room and unloaded my bags, I went in search of a bite to eat and came across a humble Brasilian restaurant. The place was swarming with locals and the babble of Portuguese swirled in the air, coaxing me inside. I ordered a coxinha (cosh-ing-ya) which is like a giant croquette filled with chicken and cream cheese and a traditional dish called Feijoada (fay-jwa-duh). Although low-key, it was just what I needed; a hearty meal and the opportunity to practice my Portuguese.

With both belly and soul full, I wandered out and further into the heart of the city. My intention was just to take the scenic route back to my hotel but instead I surprised myself and ventured into a warmly lit cocktail bar……..alone.
The mystique of Dr Gimlette drew me in with it’s golden glow of rich warm lighting, plush leather and an atmosphere that screamed old-school sophistication. High ceilings, crystal chandeliers, timber flooring and a giant white marble bar with an impressive collection of spirits adorning the wall behind it. I wanted to say yes to this magical place more than the little voice inside me that said, “you can’t go to a bar by yourself”. Besides, I was meant to be going with the flow!

For most people (myself included), putting yourself out there without any social back-up can be quite the challenge. Humans operate in herds and when we find ourselves alone and in new territory, we want to shelter ourselves so that there are no eyes on us. Even the most confident person can become shy and worried what others will think of them. But as with most things, there is a solution. The cure for this all-to-common internal warfare is two-fold, and it starts within ourselves (as most things do):
1. Stop Judging Others
Why is it that we worry a stranger will think a certain way about us? Because more likely than not, We have thought those things about another person. So, we expect the same in return. Therefore, if we stop judging other people then eventually, we’ll forget that other people judge us, and will allow ourselves to live life a little fuller. Alternatively, you could prioritise self-love and make it the reason why you should do something as opposed to coming up with all the reasons why not.
2. Be Afraid of Death
Although morbid, this sentiment can actually be extremely freeing. I was listening to a podcast recently that featured entrepreneur, Alex Hormozi who was explaining his take on mindset shifts for success. According to him, being aware of death and how fleeting life is can give you the boost you need to do what you want without fearing what others will think. At the end of the day, no one lasts forever and once you’re gone, life goes on. The point is not to live in fear of dying but rather to use it as leverage for living life without hesitation or restraint. When you put things into perspective through an awareness of how vast the world is, things like getting a cocktail by yourself seem pretty inconsequential. Boom! Now you can live life on your terms.

Putting it in Practice
Of course, it’s no secret that going with the flow is easier to do while on holiday than in everyday life. In our normal routines we have stress from work, family, relationships, financial situations…. the list goes on. The thing to remember (which I often need reminding of) is that our realities are the consequences of our mindsets and our choices (generally speaking). If our dispositions are positive, mentality is that of abundance and personal growth is at the forefront, we will naturally make choices that lead us forward. The only thing left to do, is to focus on what is in your control. For example, are you stressed because you hate your job? Realise that you’ve chosen to be there and then make a plan of action to change your circumstances. Are you in a relationship that is not fulfilling your soul and perhaps is a little toxic? Realise that you are in control of who you spend your time with and take action to change your circumstances.
On the other side of this, and perhaps more importantly, is being aware of what we are not in control of. When we are in situations that are causing us pain or stress it’s easy to get sucked into the void of negativity. But when deciphering what you control in your life, the most freeing thing you can do for yourself is accept when a situation (or another persons’ behaviour) is out of your control. By doing so, it will slowly but surely drain less and less of your energy so you can focus on taking action towards your goals with the things that are in your control. As a light-hearted example, is your neighbour trying to find their calling with the saxophone with little success and it’s driving you nuts? Don’t use it as an excuse why you’re in a bad mood and can’t do anything with your day. Instead, make their practice time, the time you go to the gym or for a walk. Boom! LG, Life’s Good (just kidding, it ain’t that simple but hopefully you’re catching my drift).

Peace Out!
Controlling what we can and letting go of the rest is an art-form that we should all strive to master. If we are successful in this feat, then rolling with the punches and going with the flow of life will become second-nature. Afterall, the saying “life’s too short” exists for a reason so don’t waste it away worrying about a problem that is out of your control.
Although light-hearted, the message in this article is one I feel very strongly about so I hope I’ve been able to encourage you to be more intentional with where you place your energy.
For whatever season you’re in, I wish you light and love. As always, I would love to hear from you so reach out to me on Instagram!